Now it's getting exciting... On this page you will find the answer key of the chastity assessment. Note the number of points on the following page in the workbook and see how many days in chastity are just right to educate you.
Q1: Your name
0 Points if he uses his beta name, 1 point if he uses his regular name, 4 points if he gots this easy question wrong.
Q2: Today is the:
0 if he writes it correctly, 4 if he makes any mistake.
Q3: When was the last time you had an orgasm?
A: Today 3 Points
B: Yesterday. 2 Points
C: Less than a week ago. 1 Points
D: More than a week ago. 0 Points
Q4: In which posture are you right now?
A: Standing 1 Point
B: Kneeling 0 Points
C: Sitting on furniture 2 Points (kneel down!)
D: Sitting on floor 1 Point
Q5: Are there any problems regarding your chastity cage?
A: No, Mistress. 0 Points
B: Yes, ... 0 Points for every serious problem, 5 points if the problem is not a problem but a lack of attitude.
Q6: How old are you?
A: I’m under 20 1 Point
B: 20 to 40 2 Points
C: 40 to 60 3 Points
D: Over 60 0 Points (respect the elderly!)
Q7: How full are your balls?
A: They are tiny and wrinkly. 4 Points
B: They are pretty normal. 2 Points
C: They are nice and full. 0 Points
D: They are about to burst. 5 Points (don’t be so dramatic)
Q8: How is your dicklet?
A: It‘s so engorged. 0 Points
B: There is still extra space. 2 Points (you should have mentioned that at the question 5, also, get a smaller cage)
C: It‘s nice and snug. 0 Points
D: It feels not right. 3 Points
Q9: Do you have any experience with chastity?
A: No, it‘s my first time. 1 Points
B: I‘ve experimented a little. 2 Points
C: I belong in chastity. 3 Points
D: I only know that I hate it. aww … such strong words, 6 Points
Q10: What’s the thirteenth digit of Pi?
A: 2 2 Points
B: 9 this is the right answer, 0 Points
C: 3 3 Points
D: 8 8 Points
Q11: Are you wearing anything inside your ass?
A: Yes 0 Points
B: No 2 Points, but you can reduce it to 1 if you insert something NOW.
Q12: Since you’ve been locked up, how many times have you asked to be released?
A: Never! 0 Points
B: One time. 2 Points
C: Two times. 4 Points
D: Several times. I am an annoying little wimp! 10 Points
Q13: Where should the key be stored?
A: In my keychain. 3 Points
B: Outside of my reach. 0 Points
C: Wherever Mistress wants. 0 Points
D: Dangling between Mistress’s beautiful breasts. 2 Points (don’t tell your Mistress what to do!)
Q14: Please, Mistress, ...
A: … spit on me. 0 Points
B: … slap my balls. 0 Points
C: … can I have a release? 5 Points
D: … let me lick your pussy. 1 Points (don’t ask that!)
Q15: What‘s the best about chastity?
A: Strengthening the relationship with Mistress. 0 Points
B: Focusing on the really important things. 0 Points
C: The feeling of surrender and submission. 0 Points
D: Making my Mistress happy. -1 Points (good answer)
Q16: How long should you be in chastity?
A: One Month 1 Point
B: Two Weeks 2 Points
C: Three Days 3 Points
D: As long as Mistress wishes! 0 Points
Q17: Do you have any annotations?
A: Please, Mistress, can I have more? Yes, 3 Points
B: No. 1 Point, for being not honorific
C: Thank you for being my keyholder! 0 Points
D: I will try to behave, Miss? 1 Point (don’t try, do!)
After you have accepted your chastity sentence,
thank Brat Princess Annabel Pync!